Monday, April 14, 2008

Take The Shortcut To Online Profits While Still Building A Real Internet Business!

So, you want to start making money online, right? You've heard the stories of people making large sums of money from the comfort of their homes, and finally telling the boss man to, "Take this job and shove it!" Well, I'm here to tell you that SOME of those stories are true!

But making money online may not be as easy (or quick) as you might think.

The problem is, conventional wisdom send us down the LONG ROAD to online profits instead of the SHORTCUT to making money online. Now, when I talk about a "shortcut", don't confuse this with "get rich quick" schemes promising millions of dollars overnight. What I'm about to reveal is shorter than convention methods, but still requires an investment of time, effort and money to put into action.

So, what is this "Long Road" I'm talking about?

Conventional wisdom states that to have the "potential" to make money online, you first need a website. Then you need a product to sell. This is exactly what I thought when I started online years ago.

But think about it. If you don't know anything about building websites or creating products to sell, or even how to sell a product online, how long do you think it is going to take you to get all this set up? Take it from me, it takes MONTHS of frustrating hard work and hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars trying to find solutions to all the problems that reveal themselves along the way.

Now, in the interest of being completely transparent, I want to say that once you have everything set up it can be very profitable. That is of course if you did everything right, picked the right product to produce and can generate traffic. So, I'm not saying the Long Road is bad... just that there is a shorter (and less frustrating) way to start making money online.

So, if a website and product are not the keys to online profits, what is?

Here is the business plan SHORTCUT to online money...

#1 Concentrate On Affiliate Marketing First

Instead of creating your own products to sell, start promoting other products ALREADY being sold for a cut of the profits. Promoting affiliate products is one of the fastest, cheapest and most effective ways to stuff your bank account with cash (if you do it right... which brings us to #2).

#2 Follow A PROVEN Affiliate Marketing Plan

Obviously, the fastest way to start seeing affiliate commissions is by doing what the successful affiliates are already doing. They've spent years figuring out what works, so you don't have to. So, follow the leaders.

But if you want to cut the learning curve down even further, don't just learn what they do and try to copy it. Get a successful affiliate marketer to DO 95% of all the HARD work for you! (I'll tell you where you can learn about this in my resource box.)

#3 Build YOUR List For More Profits

Look, to make REAL money online, you need to be a REAL Internet Business. This does not mean a website. This means a LIST!

You must have an Autoresponder service. It is the very first thing you should think about... even before you think about building your own website! The list you build is the key to making big profits online... period!

To sum it up...

Don't spend months of your time and tons of money to create a website and product in the beginning. This is a long and frustrating road, and frankly, not everyone that travels it survives. Take a shortcut!

The shortcut is a way to build a REAL internet business by promoting other people's products, using a PROVEN PLAN that automatically produces squeeze pages (without having to have your own website or hosting) and then build YOUR list for ongoing profits.

Just think, with this SHORTCUT, you can have the potential to make money set up in HOURS... not months! Then you can spend time doing what really matters... driving traffic to your squeeze page, building YOUR list and collecting those affiliate commissions!

Edward Lomax is an Internet Marketer who teaches others how to make money on line faster than he did. He invites you to learn the fastest, cheapest and most effective way to make money online: Affiliate Marketing Without A Website

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